Plant a tree seed, save a planet

It's the smallest thing but possibly the grandest gesture you can do today... Plant a tree seed.
It can be a pip from an apple, an acorn from an oak or a winged nut from a maple - you can even go crazy and buy a whole packet of tree seeds from your local garden centre if you want. All you have to do is make sure they are the seeds of trees that found naturally - or "native" - to the place in which you live.
But where do you plant it?
On the side of the side of the street, in your garden, in the park, by a lay-by, on the side of a field or next to a wood... anywhere where there's space and light. Then all you have to do is
bend down,
push your finger into the soil about to about 2cm (1 inch) depth - or use a pen - and pop that seed in.
That's it. That's all you have to do. You've taken a step, an action, that helps our only planet - the planet we depend on and cling to - breathe a little easier (quite literally). It may be a simple act. It may have been easy to carry out. But given half a chance that seed will grow and grow and mean more and more as your life goes on. Your one single action gains significance as it grows, as you grow. How easy was that? How good do you feel? And if it does make you feel good, go do it again! And again. Whenever you're feeling blue or a little down, or even just for the sake of it, go do a bit of planet saving by popping a seed in a hole the next time you're out and about.

It's not the only seed you just planted
You just planted one in your own mind.
The idea, the thought, perhaps the hope that you can do something to save this planet. That you can help maintain the majesty of life as we know it. Doing small things can achieve big things. The very seed you planted in the soil is proof of that. A living example of how from small things even greater things emerge and grow. Can you save a planet? Yes you can.