Is it time to finally start putting a price on green infrastructure?
“There is a common misconception among developers and governments that green infrastructure costs too much. We’ve been able to show that whe

This is really an exciting time when we are witnessing a transition of the world from dirty fossil fuels to renewable clean energy sources.

Western Sydney ‘aerotropolis’ will transform the city, says federal government and experts
“The new airport is set to provide a “massive economic engine that will drive the local economy and push local growth through the roof,” he

Sustainability Live sets the tone for future industry events
Configured as a Q & A format, the day-long program consisted of seven industry-specific panels filled by highly respected and experience

Green architecture is inevitable if we are to fight climate change while urbanising
Green architecture is gaining momentum around the world as the necessity to integrate development with sustainability is magnified by rapidl

Scientists Just Found Half of the Missing Matter in Our Universe
Two teams of astronomers have found a way to observe the presence of the missing matter connecting the galaxies in the universe. This discov

BREAKING: Sydney to be split into three separate cities by 2056
Improved transport infrastructure and housing have been identified as imperative to the success of the government’s plan. A separate yet com

These Beautiful Buildings Actually Look Like Blankets
Architecture has the power to evoke feelings and memories in viewers, not to mention a specific source of inspiration the designer may have

NASA's Record-Breaking Ion Thruster Engine Could Take Us to Mars
In the not too distant future, there are hopes for this technology to support human transport to Mars by 2024, a project that has been enthu

New rezoning proposal for Telopea includes boost for social housing
NSW minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, and minister for Social Housing, Pru Goward, have jointly released a rezoning propos