Australia could become a net negative emissions economy. The technology already exists
To understand our opportunities and pressure points we need an open, inclusive, genuine process Australia finally has a net zero target....
Should Australia build nuclear power plants to combat the climate crisis?
Though renewable energy could meet 100% of demand by 2025, the nuclear option still looms over discussions on how to rapidly lower...
Running homes and cars on electricity alone would save households $5,443 a year, report finds
A new Australian thinktank says ditching domestic gas and petrol use would slash national greenhouse emissions by a third What would you...
Electricity from Clive Palmer’s coal power station would cost four times current price, report says
Waratah Coal’s Galilee plant cannot compete with new renewables, according to a Queensland Conservation Council analysis Electricity...
Josh Frydenberg to make case for net zero, saying Australia can’t risk being seen as a climate chan
Treasurer links stability of domestic financial system to how Australia’s position on climate change is viewed Josh Frydenberg will make...
Australia was late on renewable energy and is now making same mistakes with electric vehicles, anal
National energy audit challenges Morrison government claim Australia doing more to combat the climate crisis than other nations Major...
Solar power in Australia outstrips coal-fired electricity for first time
For a fleeting moment on the weekend more than half the nation’s electricity generation came from solar power, but experts say Australia...
The climate crisis is an accelerating calamity of our own making. So what would it take to turn thin
Imagine if scientists had just informed the world that there was a huge meteor heading our way that would likely wipe out life as we knew...
Clean energy interest soars in NSW as states resist rules to prop up coal
New England renewable energy zone inundated with investor interest amid pushback to federal rules on fossil fuel generators A New South...
Renewables could meet 100% demand in Australia at certain times of day by 2025, report says
Energy market operator notes penetration of renewable generation reached record high of 57% twice in 2021 Renewables will meet 100% of...